Friday, August 12, 2005

new cousin

here's my latest cousin, mari. adopted daughter to my uncle jon and aunt deanna. i think she's from puerto rico. we recently had a small family reunion picnic in bonner park and i had to laugh because we're all so murray. what does that mean? murray is the family name that tied all present together less mari and what that means is we are all rather quiet so we pretty much sat in a circle and picked at grass and smiled. but mari entertained us by being very chatty and curious and running around in circles and doing somersaults or backward somersaults (winterpeppers). she is adorable and only spoke spanish when john and deanna adopted her (age 3) but was speaking english within 3 weeks. amazing. i was blessed to meet/remeet them all and hear stories of jon playing jazz in a swanky l.a. club frequented by the baldwin bros and nancy reagan.


KrystyKay said...

It only took her three weeks to learn English? That gives me an exceptionally scary amount of excuse/reason/leverage to go kidnap Diego... Tijuana here I come!

XAgirl said...

What a cutie!