Wednesday, May 11, 2005

unconscious "genius"

yeah so i have this thing where once in a great while i'll think of something brilliant just as i'm coming into consciousness after sleeping. naps are usually the most clever but as i woke up the other morning, these one-liners just kept coming into my head. they're not especially clever, really, but they made me laugh a lot. and my brother too, which pleased me. katie thought i should post them on my blog so here goes:...there were 5 of them, more might have come but for fear of losing them i stood up to go write them down and the stream was broken, nevertheless...

1. there's justice under my pillow
2. three dogs have a hard time cryin'
3. mixers, masters and other bastards (i apologize...i'm sure i meant illegitimate sons)
4. kiss me, 'cause it's kissin' time
5. doo wop shoo bop, don't eat the last drop.

so there you have it, folks. any suggestions as to what i could do with these would be welcomed. i thought they sounded like country music song titles. katie thought she might write a nonsensical song using them as lyrics.
i'm out

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

in memoriam

while spending some time in prayer outside under a tree this weekend God reminded me that it was the 6 month anniversary of two dear friends' deaths. i opened my eyes and looked around me at the splendor that they both cherished so dearly and i didn't really know what to do. how do you pray for someone who's died? so i just gave it to God and said "Lord, would you speak to me concerning them?" and He did. He said this "Jess, he (the closer of my two friends) saw how you lived your life. Despite what he may have said, he saw the way you lived and that's why he was drawn to you and always came to you for advice." it was so comforting to hear. God is so good to us. He has been speaking to me almost non-stop today at work, too. not in words that i could recount, like those above, but in waves of His Holy Spirit that deepen and inspire love inside me. i feel a desperation for my family and friends that don't know Him.