Friday, September 16, 2005

Found on the Sidewalk

i was going to make a comment, a question actually, but when i found this picture it reminded me of another...i was going to ask if anyone, when finding themselves walking in front of someone down a hallway, ever suddenly felt so awkward that it almost seemed one leg was longer than the other? secondly, i heard on the radio this morning that heather mccartney, paul's wife, lost her prosthetic leg at a j-lo concert when an animal rights activist came in to protest j-lo's use of fur. i guess the beatle's missus decided she needed to intervene.


emergen-c-man said...

i wonder if the person knows they are missing, or weithor someone just figured out how to fly insted of walk :)

XAgirl said...

That is stinkin' hillarious!

erin said...

Yes. Yes I do know that feeling. Sometimes it's like I suddenly don't know how to walk and I'm afraid everyone will find out. I also frequently dream that one leg is longer than the other...or one leg just doesn't bend.