Friday, July 08, 2005

me and my girls

this picture is in the spirit of celebration of the roma people. i think they are some of the most beautiful in the world. i am reading a book about them called "bury me standing" that scott gave me as a belated birthday gift and it's absolutely fascinating. i met a woman who told me a band of gypsies came through montana in the 1930's or so and i'm out of my mind excited to try and find more information about it. she said when the native americans went by homesteads or farms you wouldn't hear a sound, but when the gypsies came you would hear them for miles and miles banging their pots and dancing and making music. i think when i took an interest in them i had no idea the rich culture that was in store for me.


el padrino said...

It make me so happy to hear your love for them! I can't wait for the rest of your adventure with God to unfold.....

erin said...

I'm so happy to see some pictures of you and your dollies on here. Finally! :]

Lance Fisher said...

Another great photo!