Tuesday, March 29, 2005

mexico spring break

well i'm feeling rather nostalgic now. but can it be called nostalgia when it was fewer than 3 days ago? we are just back from an incredible trip to tijuana, mexico, lovingly called t.j. by the locals, or should i say socals? i think it's only southern californians that really call it that, being that the spanish language doesn't easily allow for the sound jay. anyhoo. i have been watching video footage at work, not so sure if it's allowed, but when the boss is away, jess will hit play...oh that was bad. and looking at my pics too. i'm very disappointed in them since 99% of them are grainy. oh well, the memories are still there and i'm soon to have a super disc of all the photos taken on the trip courtesy of my good friend lance. an i only have a minute more of this lunch break. so i bid you adios until next time.

1 comment:

erin said...

Well, if you DO get caught watching footage, maybe you could just say it was a certain security guard's with the initials D.V. Speaking of initials...Man, all this time I thought T.J. stood for tooty joke.