Thursday, February 24, 2005

oscar party

so i went to an unlikely source for help with my costume for our annual oscar bash. it's only 3 days away and here i am without a costume. i mentioned it to the security guards that i work with and told them it should probably involve a blonde marilyn monroe wig. but one of them had a better idea. and i think that might be what i use. i have yet to fill out my ballot and don't think i've seen a single movie up for nomination. but i'm excited for the party and especially excited to see my cousin's costume.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

first posting

hello out there in cyber space,
this is my first posting on my new blog as the title indicates and i don't have a lot to say. i feel wonderful this morning. but that could just be the espresso talking. no, i got to walk to work this morning at 5:45 am and talked to God all the way here. it was great. i was so awake by the time i got here and still feel great. which is, well, great after the way i've been feeling all week. i'll put this entry out of its misery now since there is no real direction.