Thursday, November 03, 2005

(non) dairy queens

well i called sara in slovakia yesterday and daniela from slovakia in michigan yesterday and it looks like things are really progressing for me to spend the summer in sk. until now it has been all excitement, and it still is, but i'm just realizing that i will be away from this all summer. my friends. i know the trade off is great but i am not looking forward to not having easy access to the best friends in the world. and i mean the world. i know, i've been there. well i guess i have 6 1/2 months to get the most out of them before possibly exiting this country for a season. i love you guys.


Lance Fisher said...

Never a day goes by...

sylvia said...

sweet! i'm excited for you about your world travels. someday we'll have a chance to chat on the phone again and you can tell me all about your plans. til then... blessings.